Magic Jewel School

An online program that combines fun-filled games, experiments, and digital learning tools to help kids grow into happy, successful teens and adults.


Sample Lesson

Intro video explaining the theme and activities (2-minutes)

Themed DIY game, experiment, or craft (10-minutes)

Coloring page or other activity sheet (10-minutes)

Short animation or other digital learning tool (8-minutes)

Themed DIY game, experience, or craft (10-minutes)

Coloring page or other activity sheet (10-minutes)

Guided meditation (5-minutes)

Wrap-up video with reflection and gratitude journal (5-minutes)

Secret Message to Parents

This course is designed to help kids hone and grow skills that lead to happier, healthier adulthood.

This is the meaning behind what we’ve designed:


Kids practice sharing. They will explore how it feels to share or not share, and discover how generosity makes us happy inside.

Benefits: sharing with siblings and friends



Kids see how their actions affect each other. They practice telling the truth, and explore their impact on the lives of others.

Benefits: empowered to make change, notice interconnectedness, value truth-telling



Kids learn and practice diffusing and regulating difficult emotions. Patience becomes a fun game.

Benefits: identifying & communicating emotions, emotional regulation, and tantrum prevention



Kids create happiness and wellbeing from the inside out, no matter what’s going on.

Benefits: learning how to celebrate the moment, taking on challenges with joy


Paying Attention

Kids strengthen their memories with concentration games and develop inner discipline.

Benefits: ability to concentrate on schoolwork, lengthen the time they can focus on one task



Kids recognize their unlimited capacity - they can be anything when they grow up!

Benefits: developing courage, imagination and confidence to be themselves



Format: 12 self-paces lessons, 1-hr each, intended duration 1-month (3 lessons per week)

Community: Free access to weekly Parent Meditation Class and Kids Yoga & Meditation Classes




12 online lessons

1-month access to weekly parent meditation sessions & kids classes


Sliding scale and scholarships available